Twofer Tuesday is a quick post where I focus on two subjects.
Usually by this point in the summer, I am ready for it all to be over and for fall. This year, however, the weather here in Maine has been so glorious all summer that I want it to go on and on and on and on. I can't believe that in a few short weeks, school starts and we will be back in the thick of meetings, concerts, conferences, open houses, etc. Maybe the fact that Boy-o will be a junior this year is part of my hesitation for the school year. If we delay junior year, that means that senior year and graduation are delayed as well. Yup, if truth be told, that might be why I am feeling this way. Where has the time gone?
I have been playing Family Feud on facebook. It is very similar to the television show except you play as a team of one except for the bonus round. Because of typographical errors and regional differences in language, they have a program set up to recognize answers that might not match exactly. For example, in this part of the country, we call carbonated beverages "soda" whereas in other parts of the country it is called "pop" or something else. If I answer soda, it recognizes that my answer is correct and gives me credit for it. Sometimes, however, the computer "recognizes" answers that do not make sense. For example, last night I typed in "machine operator". It matched me to "surgeon". One time I put in "wool pants" and it matched me to "sweater" and another time I put in "family" and it matched me to "love life" but then told me I had already used the answer when I typed "health". On the other hand, I didn't get a match when I put "Fourth of July" and the answer was "Independence Day" and I didn't get a match when I put "No One Laughs" and the answer was "No Laughter". I haven't decided if I think that the answer choices are done by someone in another country who doesn't know our language, etc. or if it is a bunch of computer geeks entertaining themselves by knowing that they are driving people crazy!
That's all that I have for this warm Tuesday. I hope things are great in your part of the world.
Here's to short posts!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
What are YOU thankful for today?
Thankful Thursday is where I ask everyone to stop and think about the good things that are happening. Even during those weeks that stretch out more than the truth in a political campaign, there are always things that we can appreciate. This week, I am thankful for (in no particular order):
1) I am thankful for Tempeh. This soy bean creation is turning out to be a great meat substitute for Boy-o. I discovered it on Saturday at a farmer's market and have used it in an omelet, lasagna and sloppy joes.
2) I am thankful for the beautiful weather in Maine. After our summer of rain last year, I am really enjoying the sunny weather.
3) I am thankful that my husband and I have a loving and stable relationship. Watching the drama with some of the people at work is unbelieveable.
4) I am thankful for fellow employees who were happy that I decided to stay in my current job. I am also thankful for a boss who was even happier!
5) I am thankful for good friends and girls' night outs. I have had two of those in the past two weeks! (For those of you wondering, yes, I saw the one, the only, the incredible Mary Ellen. She is doing well. )
6) I am thankful for a son who asked to go get a haircut and who can drive himself there!
7) I am thankful for the pulled pork that is cooking in my crockpot right now. My husband and I will have an easy but yummy supper after karate tonight.
8) I am thankful for farmers' markets.
9) I am thankful that it is Thursday and this long long week is drawing to an end. As a bonus, my boss is out today and all next week!
10)I am thankful for the bloggers who read my blog and take the time to comment.
Here's to appreciation!
1) I am thankful for Tempeh. This soy bean creation is turning out to be a great meat substitute for Boy-o. I discovered it on Saturday at a farmer's market and have used it in an omelet, lasagna and sloppy joes.
2) I am thankful for the beautiful weather in Maine. After our summer of rain last year, I am really enjoying the sunny weather.
3) I am thankful that my husband and I have a loving and stable relationship. Watching the drama with some of the people at work is unbelieveable.
4) I am thankful for fellow employees who were happy that I decided to stay in my current job. I am also thankful for a boss who was even happier!
5) I am thankful for good friends and girls' night outs. I have had two of those in the past two weeks! (For those of you wondering, yes, I saw the one, the only, the incredible Mary Ellen. She is doing well. )
6) I am thankful for a son who asked to go get a haircut and who can drive himself there!
7) I am thankful for the pulled pork that is cooking in my crockpot right now. My husband and I will have an easy but yummy supper after karate tonight.
8) I am thankful for farmers' markets.
9) I am thankful that it is Thursday and this long long week is drawing to an end. As a bonus, my boss is out today and all next week!
10)I am thankful for the bloggers who read my blog and take the time to comment.
Here's to appreciation!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Katy, the wonder dog
Like most dogs, Katy makes it pretty clear what she wants. She has can let me know if she is hungry, if she needs to go out or if she thinks it is time to go to bed. Last night, however, she was very out of sorts after we went to bed and we couldn’t figure out what was wrong. She was pacing and the clickety click of her nails on the laminate floor was quite loud. All I could hear was click, click, whine, whine. There was no “I need to go outside” bark. We were mystified. Every so often, either my husband or I would tell her to settle down and she would relax for a few minutes. However, she would quickly jump up and start clicking and whining and whining and clicking. There wasn’t a lot of sleeping going on. At about 2:45 am, I decided to see if she wanted to go outside. I didn’t think that she did but I figured if she went out, it might settle her down. I opened the bedroom door and she streaked down the hallway towards Boy-o’s room. His door was partially closed and before I could even take a step she picked up her paw and whapped it against the door to open it all the way. She started racing back and forth in his room. Since Boy-o was still asleep, I turned on the hall light to peer in. I quickly realized that Katy was chasing a bat. Since I hate, hate, hate bats, I did the only thing I could think of. I ran back down the hallway and called for my husband to come. He told me to stay in our bedroom with the door closed and he and Katy rounded up two bats and got them outside. Apparently, Katy has a herding instinct because she rounded up one bat and chased it out of Evan’s bedroom and into the hallway where my husband was able to capture it. Boy-o finally woke up when all 85 pounds of canine landed on top of him when Katy was attempting to catch one of the bats. After my husband and Katy successfully removed both bats from the house, my husband returned to bed. Katy wandered the house for a few moments checking to make sure that her job was done. She collapsed at the top of the stairs in the hallway so she could make sure that no one else tried to invade HER house and promptly fell asleep. Being a wonder dog is hard work, you know.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Friday Fragments

TGIFF! Thank Goodness It's Friday Fragments! Today is the day where we take all of the bits and pieces of randomness and mash them up, mix them up and throw in a few spices and create one clutter-clearing post. Think of it a mental hash! Please join me in thanking Mrs. 4444 for being the head chef of this randomness.
Lots of stuff going on in our small part of Maine lately. First of all, the big news! Boy-o is now a licensed driver! Yup. He passed his test the first try. You would be proud of me. He drove me from the testing site to our local hospital and dropped me off. No, contrary to what people might think, I wasn't having a heart attack at the thought of a teen age driver. I simply needed to have some x-rays. I sent him on an errand so he dropped me off and drove off ALL-BY-HIMSELF. I cheerfully waved and didn't even hesitate or shed a tear. I can hardly believe it myself.
I came closer to shedding a tear when I got the quote for the car insurance, however. The good news is that his kind grandparents gave him a car. The bad news is that his grandparents gave him a car and gave us a big insurance bill. Oy. Someone (cough, cough) told her son years ago that if he "was on the honor roll, I would pay for his insurance". Boy-o is on the honor roll AND apparently has a very good memory for some things. Luckily, I work in an insurance agency and got my agent to quote a different company and we got the premium down by several hundred dollars. Still costs a small fortune, however.
Things have been going better at work lately. I asked to be moved away from my co-worker who complains all the time and I have never ever been so caught up. It is a great feeling! Of course, with things going better, what should happen but a new job opportunity. I did interview for a new position and entertained an offer. When it came down to it, however, there just wasn't enough of a reason to make a change. Sometimes the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence. It is nice to be wanted, however. I did discuss the offer with my current boss and it is nice to know that he was thrilled when I told him that I had decided to stay.
I have five weeks vacation at my job now and I have been taking a few random days off since my husband only gets 2 weeks. Today was one of those days. I came up with the brilliant idea of taking my son to get his photo taken for his permanent license. What should happen but we get into a car accident. Yup. He has had his license for 9 days and now has an accident under his belt! For a bad thing, however, it really couldn't have been much better. No one was hurt, it wasn't his fault, the man who hit us was an off duty police officer and couldn't have been nicer and I had a call from his insurance company on my answering machine by the time I got home. My son's car is a 2006 and was in perfect shape EXCEPT for a small scratch on the rear bumper. Since we were rearended, he is going to get a new rear bumper and the scratch will be gone! Can you tell I try to look at things on the positive side?
Last night, I had a Girls' Night Out with a friend. We have season tickets for our local repertory theater. We usually go to the same restaurant before the show to catch up. Last night, we decided to try a new place. Oh my. What a wonderful place! Great atomosphere and amazing food. Sorry old restaurant. You have been replaced in our affections for the new place in town. We have been going to shows on and off for 16 years. The production we saw last night of "All Shook Up" was definitely one of the top two shows we have ever seen. It was such a wonderful evening.
I have been reading up a storm lately. I am facebook friends with my high school English teacher and read a book she recommended "Sarah's Key". It is about France's round-up of Jews during World War II. Very enjoyable book. I am currently reading "Eat, Pray, Love" because of a friend's recommendation. I am thru the first part of her journey and am enjoying that book as well.
That is all I have for today. Have a great weekend and don't forget to check out everyone else who is participating in Friday Fragments!
Here's to summer!
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